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Rediscovering a Hidden Legacy

Improving Teaching Quality in Christian Schools in Pakistan

Rediscovering a Hidden Legacy

When many people think of the origins of Christianity in Pakistan, their minds often turn to the 19th century, picturing British missionaries spreading the gospel under the shadow of colonial rule. Others might trace the roots back even further, to the journey of the Apostle Thomas, who, according to tradition, brought Christianity to India around 52 AD. But what if we told you that the history of Christianity in Pakistan extends far beyond these well-known chapters?


Christianity’s presence in this ancient land predates the establishment of the British Empire and reaches back to the dawn of the faith itself. This hidden legacy is a testament to the resilience, faith, and enduring spirit of the Christian community in Pakistan—one that deserves to be celebrated and remembered.


Today, many Pakistani Christians live as if they are foreigners in their own country, often feeling like unwelcomed guests in a land where their history is deeply rooted. They are descendants of a community that has weathered centuries of change, challenge, and adversity, yet continues to stand firm in its faith. Our mission is to change the narrative, to tell a story that has been overlooked for far too long.


That’s why we are thrilled to distribute “The Amazing Story of Pakistan’s Christians” in Urdu nationwide. This incredible book takes readers on a captivating journey through over 2,000 years of Christian history in Pakistan. It’s more than just a book; it’s a revelation of a hidden chapter of our nation’s history.


Dr. Samuel Naaman, a respected professor at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, describes the book as “a treasure for the Church and mission historians and an inspiration for young Pakistani Christians to be proud of their own heritage.” This powerful statement reflects the heart of our mission—to inspire young Pakistani Christians to embrace their identity and heritage with pride, and to recognize that their faith is not a foreign import but an integral part of Pakistan’s historical and cultural tapestry.


As readers turn the pages of this book, they will encounter stories of faith that have withstood the test of time, from the ancient Christian communities of the Gandhara civilization to the brave believers who kept the flame of faith burning through centuries of social and political upheaval. They will discover the remarkable ways in which Christianity has intertwined with Pakistan’s broader history, enriching its cultural landscape and contributing to its diverse legacy.


The story of Christianity in Pakistan is a story of resilience, hope, and a shared heritage that belongs to all Pakistanis, regardless of their faith. “The Amazing Story of Pakistan’s Christians” is more than a book—it’s a call to reclaim a legacy and to stand proud of the incredible journey of faith that has brought us to where we are today. Let’s celebrate this history, honor those who came before us, and inspire the next generation to carry the light forward. This is our story, our heritage, and it deserves to be told.


Dua Javed



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